Let Healing Begin
I am a wife, mother, and a mom-mom who had a dream of owning her own business.
Growing up I no clue what it was I wanted to do - but who really knows? Somehow I had always felt different. I had always had the gift of nurturing/caring for others, if someone was hurt I was right there! I somehow knew what to do. I had thought maybe I’ll attend nursing school - but that was not part of my path.
As a teen I always knew when spirit was around, it would be the smells, seeing shadows and hearing voices. But that wasn’t something you talked about because back then my parents would tell me I’m crazy and that it was just my imagination. And the fact that no one else I knew was experiencing this, I had no one to talk to, so I put it away.
So by the time I was 25 I have already lost over 15 people in my life - it seemed that I spent a lot of time attending funerals/memorials and now here I am being diagnosed with two brain aneurysms and hospitalized over a month - thinking that I’m next - Im the next funeral. Talk about Prayer!! I prayed and prayed. I have seen so much death that somehow it prepared me as I laid in my hospital room, yet I was not afraid. Now don't get me wrong I really really wanted to live. Then one evening as I lay in my hospital bed, unsure of my future or there much of one, I prayed and asked God for a miracle - I asked to live.
The next day, test showed that the aneurysms were gone. The doctors could not explain nor did they have an understanding of what happened. I did. I believe I had just experienced a MIRACLE.
Maybe these experiences were part of my path, the universe had long prepared the path before me. And it wasn’t long thereafter that I began noticing that I had strange gifts of knowing - I would have visions of how things would play out and later they happened just as I saw. So not only was I having visions, I could look at women and know that she was pregnant or soon to be. So everything I had put away a long time ago was now re-somehow re-awakening within with extras!
Well life goes on and still no one in my realm that I knew experienced anything like this. So I worked for 20+ years in corporate world, from retail management, to a subcontractor at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and executive assistant to presidents and CEO’s at several corporations. Working in the corporate world I was able to gain much knowledge in administration, computers, and marketing. I enjoyed working - but I wasn’t truly happy. I knew there was something more that I was suppose to do. So by now I kinda of knew that I wanted my dream business to be a spa or some type of healing center.
My path took a turn from 2009 to 2012. A lot happened in these few short years. No job, a car accident and a mum whose health was failing and later passed. Now I could look at these years as being bad and traumatic, but by not being employed, the universe opened up my time, cleared my calendar so that I could spend these last few years caring and nurturing my mum. Truly a blessing!
And on my own healing journey, recovering from the constant pain from the car accident and still grieving the loss of my mum, I found holistic health options. Working for two naturopathic doctors, I learned about total body healing and how everything is connected via chi. Later I was introduced to Reiki, where I finally felt my own inner deep healing, I felt renewed, more connected and I had such a better understanding of what was going on with me.
This was such a transitioning period of my life! That day I was enlightened by Reiki and Reiki has ever since helped me understand my path in life. For I am no longer mad at the way life events played out, as now I know now there was a purpose. I strive every day to better love and forgive myself, and others. Letting go of life disappointments, because when you look at them as experiences they become less disappointing.
I have always felt destine for more and I had been given a M I R A C L E of L I F E.
I am thankful and blessed for everyday that God has given me and for the blessing of this journey.
And I look forward to being a part of your wellness journey and provide you with a relaxing experience of the mind, body and spirit. ~ Namaste'
Certified and Registered
I became an Ordained Minister in 2018 through the Universal Life Church, which gives me the opportunity to incorporate my gifts and ministry. I can perform the following services.
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